Four months have gone by now since Kit went to be with Jesus.
My dad had an amazing "attitude of gratitude", so what I want to do is to thank all of you who have been there for us. That's what my father would do.
THANK YOU to all of you amazing people who have been there for my mom, me, my brother, my dad's mom, my dad's siblings, their families, and all of the extended Lauer ohana. You have been there for us emotionally, financially, spritually, physically and mentally...and we just can't thank you enough.
THANK YOU to the Hope Chapel Kihei, Maui church family who has been there for us and for each other. We love you dearly...always.
THANK YOU to the doctors, nurses and staff who took such good care of my dad over on Oahu. A HUGE thank you goes out to hospice...you truly are quiet angels and will get your reward in heaven.
THANK YOU to all of you who helped out with the memorial service and spreading of ashes
THANK YOU to all of you who helped with or participated in the Run for Hope/Run for Kit.
THANK YOU to every single person in Hawaii, the United States, and all over the world who prayed so fervently for my dad and for all of us.
THANK YOU to everyone who continues to think about or pray for our family and to all of those who continue to remember my dad, Kit Lauer.
I put up the Expression Session picture as that was the friday night service dedicated to my dad where people shared what my dad meant to them. This was the night he passed away.
THANK YOU for the Expresssion Session. I'm sure that my dad saw it on his way to heaven :-)
God Bless you all!