I am so thankful for all your love and support of me and my family. I literally feel everyone’s prayers. I am doing good…day one of chemo…feeling ok…
Here's how you can pray for me:
- The chemo kills all the bad guys.
- The Lord is merciful to me in the second and third week of treatment. Traditionally the worst nausea, vomiting, runs, cold sores, hair loss (no big deal there). Take them away and/or give me strength to endure!
- The chemo sends the “blast” cells into remission; where they stop producing…I need less than 5% blast cells by end of week 2-3.
- My family remains healthy so I can see them, especially Shelly for the long term, because she will be with me most.
- Pray God protects me from catching anything.
- Pray my mind will be fixed on the LORD and my eyes, heart focused on Him. I would hear his voice, and that my thoughts would be HIS thoughts.
- Pray that God supply our needs during this time.
Fighting the good fight,
Kit and Shelly, Richard and I will be praying for you! Thank-you for the information on this blog. It is very helpful to know how specifically to pray. I just listened to the Good Friday message via the website, it was powerful! May God richly bless you with His strength and peace in this trying time.
your sister in Christ,
You get thru this and I will pay for new hair plugs. In fact lets make them long and blonde.
Kit & Shelly,
We gathered for prayer last night and today at noon to lift you guys up! It was a blessing to share our prayers together and share every bit of information about what is happening with you. Everyone wanted the photo you posted so I guess you are the new Hope Chapel pin-up. God was leading us how to pray as we went along. Dean recorded the list of prayers and is going to send them to you. We are thinking of you every minute, and I know there are prayers said for you around the clock. We love you so much.
Jerry and Janis
Kelley and I are praying for you from here in California. I know there are those who you have touched that are now spread all over the world. Thanks for your example of transparency.
Love to you,
Rick and Kelley
We love you Pastor Kit & Shelly!!
We love you. Greg and Janet
Aloha Kit and Shelly,
I'm glad you started a blog Kit, so we can specifically pray for you. Yes, we are lifting you up in prayers. And the Word of God says:
"You will keep on prefect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is ROCK ETERNAL." Isaiah 26:3
Love you,
John, forget the hairplugs - how about praying that the chemo stimulates the hair follicles and hair starts to grow naturally? ;)
(ok, I am not sure who that John is, I just thought I would do a side comment to his comment). Smile :)
Hey Kit & Shelly,
Coco, the kids & I are praying for you too. As Rick said (Hi Rick), there are those who you have touched that are now spread all over the world.
Mike Kn. sent us your link (thanx Mike). I'm glad you have a blog. This way we can watch & pray!
Aloha von Germany!
Patric, Coco, Sophia (7) & Frani-loo (6)
Kit and shelly
How well I remember when we first met at HOpe Chapel.You moved here and jumped in teaching Sunday school out on the lawn overlooking the ocean(what wonderful times!),starting a bible study in your home,reaching out with so much love to many,many non chirsitians and christians alike!
Keep up that wonderful spirit and know we are praying,praying for you both! Joyce
Good morning Kit & Shelly :)
great photo Kit, keep smiling. "The Bad Girls" prayed for you last night and we miss you Shelly.
It's good to know your thoughts Kit and what to pray for. The people on Oahu are blessed to have you all with them, give 'em heaven. Looking forward to all your new stories you will have to share. Kit there was a great message in The Upper Room devotional yesterday, I'll mail it. Here is the scripture verse for you 2 Corinthians 1:8-11.
Hugs, Janet
Kit and Shelly,
We have the Bom Retiro do Sul Church (Hope Chapel- Brazil) praying for your health to be completely restored, in Jesus´ Name. We are in the middle of a 90 days prayer and fasting that we do every year and your name are there before the Throne of God! God will grant the desires of your heart, by His Son´s Blood.
We love you.
Marcia and Sammy.
Kit & Shelly,
The Lord gave me this scripture verse this morning:
Psalm 121:7-8
"The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
Love you both,
Dear Kit and Shelly,
We love you guys so much, Mikey and Maiesha too. You are an awesome family. We are believeing & praying with you for complete healing. Thank you so much for keeping us all who love you so much updated. what a blessing you are to so many.
Love, Pierre & Cari
Aloha Kit,
Elis and I send you our love. I pray for you daily.
Jamie Mc and I have been going paddle boarding on Thursday mornings super early and as we glide over the glassy grey ocean with the sun peeking over Haleakala we pray for you out loud.
I pray that the Lord keeps you and your whole family strong and that the chemotherapy treatment is an overwhelming success.
Love you bro...
Stevie Mac
Aloha Pastor Kit
you will not remember me but i remember you and other staff at hope. You all helped me get through some pretty tough times. I was just checking in on Hope and looking around the sight and missing you all. I ran across your blog and not believing in coincidence, knew that I was meant to tell you that I am praying for you and your family. You and others at Hope helped me get back on the road to Christ and how can I repay you? BY PRAYING. Now you have a bunch of brothers and sisters in Washington State praying for your recovery. Blessings to you. May they cover you in Joy in this tough time.
Teresa in Ferndale WA
So Kit you need to get well quickly for two reasons..
One: Your pool is looking lonely
Two: I think long blond hair plugs will really frame your face nicely
Dear Kit and Shelly,
I hope day 2 has brought you one day closer to the hope God has promised you, closer to Him and closer to His comfort.
I can't wait to have that BIG dinner!
Lots of Love,
Malachi 4:2
Job 42:10-16
Aloha Kit !
Good Smile, that keeps us motivated to pray harder. I've been praying for you and your family dayly , and now that you gave us the guide to be more especific that will be even better. God Bless you all, always.
We continue to learn from your strength. You are an amazing man! The Lauer's are a special breed and we are honored to know you & your family. We are all routing for you! This is a race that you will WIN! You are all in our daily thoughts & prayer's.
Much Love & Aloha,
Sherrie & Chris Stinger
Kit, the best to you and your family, you ae in my prayers night and day, I will send some pic of you from the Friday night service, got some good one's of you Bro, Ray an Dawn Mains
"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:25-26
Love you Kit, Maybe I will have to come over there with my "swiss army knife" and help take care of you, like in PI. Love Ya, Ray Mains
We love you Kit and are walking with you. Last night I was up every two hours till morning I couldn't sleep very well. We have been praying hard.
Keep on bloging in makes us feel closer to you.
Mele & Lynn
Mary and I are praying for your complete recovery!!!
We are thankful that you have such a strong faith, it is a witness to all.
We love you and hope to have you back home soon
Mike & Mary
Hi Buddy ( yes I know your name is Kit!)
You fight the good fight...do not be discouraged, for you have God and ALL of us on your side. Those little PAC-MAN guys are going after those bad cells! They will conquer and destroy the bad cells!!!We will pray for the good cells to be restored.
Everywhere I go ....you are the talk of the town! In this case gossip is good! You are sooooo covered in prayer.
I am so sorry Shelly is a bit sick, we will pray for her. We know you need her by your side.
Rest and know that God is at work!
Rest and Know that Gods people are in the ring with you to win this fight! LOVE YOU BUDDY!
Kim Insley-Morrell
Hey Uncle Kit,
Its Quinnie. I wanted to tell you a little story that I will remember for the rest of my life! One day my mom got a call from you right after my dad passed away. The discussion between you and Shelly went something like this, "Well atleast Quinnie looks like Randy, becuase Dustin looks so much like his mom. "Kit" (Shelly says) "You know Quinnie is adopted." "No she isn't Shelly, that's Randys little girl." Well needless to say you ended up calling my mom to settle things once and for all! "Kim please tell Shelly that Quinnie is not adopted and that she is Randy's little girl!" "Sorry to tell you Kit but Quinnie is adopted." "No way! She looked so much like Randy!" I think you lost the bet on that one, but I wanted to let you know that I have remembered that story for the past 18 years and every time I think of it, I smile!
You and your family were such lights to us in that time of need 18 years ago, and I could only hope that we can do the same for you. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily!
Love in Him,
Hi Kit:
I am doing Kim Morrell's hair right now and she has her lap top with her! We are thinking of you and praying for you right here at the hair salon! Kim said she'll save some of her hair clippings for you! (smile!)
Russell, Mark and I have you in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.
We LOVE you,Kit!
Dear Kit,
I'm still praying. Last night I only slept a couple of hours. Praying, praying and more praying. Also, this verse spoke to me this morning and I put your name by it in my Bible.
"I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go.
My heart does not reproach any of my days. Job 27:6
For you are a good and faithful servant Kit.
Love you,
Kit, I just want you to know that my father went thru the same treatment as you 4 years ago and is doing very well, he now lives his life thanking GOD for each and everyday. When this happened to my dad it brought our family even closer that it had already been, as i visit them each year my dad looks better and better. I pray you will stay steady and let GOD do his work never to doubt for he will heal you, and i believe GOD intends on making us a stronger church family as we pull together and pray for you, it teaches us all everyday what a wonderful leader GOD has given us in you.
We are jumping for joy over your good results. Hallelujah!
pastor kit and family...
i was on the mainland when we received the email the night prior to Good Friday...the hope of the Cross filled my heart and steve and i are assured ,through Christ, that your physical,spiritual,and mental strength will sustain you through the chemo process.
our prayers are constant for any secondary infections to be blocked from your physical body...there are several prayer groups in oregon praying for you,as well.
where do i go to find your 'match' needs for the bone marrow transplant??
in fervent prayer for you,susie and steve oswald
Kit, Shelly Maiesha and Mikey
Lifting you up in prayer daily.
Thank you for sharing you journey with us. We come along side of you with our love and support. Praying for that fever to come down today. Much love and aloha Fenny
Kit,Shelly,Maiesha and Mikey
Praying for you daily. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. We come along side of you with love and support.Praying for your fevor to come down today.Much love and aloha Fenny
Hi Kit
You are the inspiration for our Friday night Gatherings and we all miss you deeply and need you back soon. We are praying for your full recovery and that the Lord may give you strengh during this tough times.
God bless you and Shelly.
Love you,
Aloha Kit and Shelly,
So I finally return to Maui and you go off to Honolulu! We are in the early phases of moving back and I went to Hope this Sunday and got all the updates. Colette is still in Honolulu and I commute back on most weekends. I understand we cannot see you yet but if there is anything we can do to help out...let us know. Colette still works for Hawaiian so is at the airport M-F which is not that far from Kaiser. So if there is any way we can be of some service no matter how small, just say so....I can be reached at esowers@intrawest.com or cell: HNL 295-9719 so it is a "local" call. Shelly, Kit...you know there is a tsunami of prayer rolling your way and I trust that the Lord still has many mountains for you to climb and proclaim Him from...with Aloha...Ed and Colette Sowers
In My Prayer
I see Jesus' hand brushing over Kit's eyes closing them and then resting over his chest. Relaxation seeps to every extremity and sleep falls over Kit like a blanket. Soothing, dreamless sleep, restful and healing. Hours pass, then dawn, eyes open and consciousness awakens in peace and trust.
Hey Maisha,
Thank you so much for the updates. It really helps us focus our prayers.
May the Lord cont. to hold you and your family close during this time.
Lotsa love from Patric, Coco, Sophia & Frani-lou
I'm humming the refrain of the old hymn...
"Love lifted me, love lifted me,
when nothing else could help,
love lifted me!"
Wow Kit, thank you for the tool. Simple but profoundly powerful. "Oh, and... how can I pray for you..." Who's gonna say no to that? It might throw em off balance for a moment, but it sure is an excellent door opener. And we all know how mighty prayer can be when we get specific.
Very cool! I've got about 5 people who come to mind immediately whom I can't wait to ask; "Oh, and how can I pray 4 U?"
Thanx Kit.
Have a great day!
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