It was another successful event organized by the Women's Ministry at Hope! Many gathered yesterday at Hope Chapel, for the Run For Hope. Thank you to everyone who helped and participated in this event dedicated to our beloved pastor Kit and his family.
I was at Hope at 7AM. I was a volunteer for the race set-up, so I made sure I was on time. When I drove in at the parking lot, many volunteers were already there - the place was almost ready to go - a lot of set-up were already done.
I pulled my camera to take photo. Yikes - there was no card in the camera! I was in a rush to get out of the house, I didn't check if the card was in (
it wasn't because I downloaded some photos the night before and neglected to return the card in the camera). I was bummed that I couldn't take photos. Good thing, Alana told me on Friday that there were several people who volunteered to take photos so I should not stress out about it. Whew! I am glad she told me that because I would have been really really bummed. I know I would have drove back home but that means I wouldn't be able to help there at that time. Anyway, I just decided to stay and cut oranges and bananas to get it ready for the snack after the run.
More photos will be posted here as soon as I get the copies taken by the other volunteers. In the meantime, here are some of the photos taken after the race (
yes, I drove back to our house after the race to get the card:)