Monday, September 14, 2009
Kit's birthday
Monday, August 31, 2009
Kit and Shelly's Wedding Anniversary

Monday, August 24, 2009
Your Amazing Gift to Us...

My dad had an amazing "attitude of gratitude", so what I want to do is to thank all of you who have been there for us. That's what my father would do.
THANK YOU to all of you amazing people who have been there for my mom, me, my brother, my dad's mom, my dad's siblings, their families, and all of the extended Lauer ohana. You have been there for us emotionally, financially, spritually, physically and mentally...and we just can't thank you enough.
THANK YOU to the Hope Chapel Kihei, Maui church family who has been there for us and for each other. We love you dearly...always.
THANK YOU to the doctors, nurses and staff who took such good care of my dad over on Oahu. A HUGE thank you goes out to truly are quiet angels and will get your reward in heaven.
THANK YOU to all of you who helped out with the memorial service and spreading of ashes
THANK YOU to all of you who helped with or participated in the Run for Hope/Run for Kit.
THANK YOU to every single person in Hawaii, the United States, and all over the world who prayed so fervently for my dad and for all of us.
THANK YOU to everyone who continues to think about or pray for our family and to all of those who continue to remember my dad, Kit Lauer.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009



Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Two Months...
It's been two months since my dad went to heaven and I can't believe it. I found this poem and it really spoke to me so I wanted to share it with you all.
love, Maisha
God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not meant to be,
So he put his arms around you
and whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes we watched you,
as we saw you pass away.
Although we loved you deeply,
we could not make you stay.
Your Golden Heart stopped beating,
hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.
Copyright © 1997 Therese Williamson
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tribute to my dad...

“You are the best man I have ever known”. Those were the last words I barely audibly uttered to my father as I watched him slip away from his earthly body. The thing is, I really meant those words. What a lucky woman I am to have been blessed with such a dad. My dad Kitrick Lee Lauer (aka “Kit”) was not perfect by any means, just as no human is. But, he truly was the most wonderful man that I have ever known.
This is a difficult time for me as father's day approaches. What a wonderful man he was and I will always be grateful for him.
Love you forever dad!
(I moved this post up for Father's Day. If you are looking for the Run For Hope Post, scroll down or click here)
Run For Hope 2009 - For The Love of Kit

I was at Hope at 7AM. I was a volunteer for the race set-up, so I made sure I was on time. When I drove in at the parking lot, many volunteers were already there - the place was almost ready to go - a lot of set-up were already done.
I pulled my camera to take photo. Yikes - there was no card in the camera! I was in a rush to get out of the house, I didn't check if the card was in (it wasn't because I downloaded some photos the night before and neglected to return the card in the camera). I was bummed that I couldn't take photos. Good thing, Alana told me on Friday that there were several people who volunteered to take photos so I should not stress out about it. Whew! I am glad she told me that because I would have been really really bummed. I know I would have drove back home but that means I wouldn't be able to help there at that time. Anyway, I just decided to stay and cut oranges and bananas to get it ready for the snack after the run.
More photos will be posted here as soon as I get the copies taken by the other volunteers. In the meantime, here are some of the photos taken after the race (yes, I drove back to our house after the race to get the card:)

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Picture of the day from Aunt Dawn...

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
In the last month or so, my dad had the idea that he wanted to write a book. Sadly, he didn't get very far but I wanted to share the few paragraphs that he did write:
Have you ever watched a delicate, individually patterned snowflakes fall upon your little red booties? Probably not, but that happened to be my very first memory in life. There I was, standing in the snow, looking up at someone very big, most likely my mother and finding myself already in awe of life. I was born September 14th, 1947 in Kokomo Indiana. You might be saying, “you're kidding, Kokomo? that a real place?” Yes it is! and that’s where I am from, well, at least I was born there and lived there for about 3 years and then my family moved to Los Angeles the city of Angels, although it is getting tougher and tougher to find any actual angels there now-a-days!
I even remember the airplane trip. Everyone kept stuffing gum in my mouth, they said it would help with adjusting the ear pressure. I think I had about 16 pieces in there by the time I was choking on the gum(they had no Heimlich maneuver in those days) so a good flip upside down and whack on the back caused the slippery mass to dislodge. Needless to say I was happy to be in LA alive.
We moved into a cute little house in La Crescenta CA with pretty shear curtains and a brick walkway and steps, even a circular planter made of bricks around a beautiful tree of some kind. I liked it…other than the fact that the little girl next door tried to literally scratch my eyes out one day, grandpa tied to push my brother all the way over the entire swing set when he kept saying higher, higher grandpa (an early start to his gymnastics career I suppose) and my pet turtle slipped under the fence and off into oblivion…just a few childhood set backs, but over-all good memories of La Crescenta.
I love that we have these beautiful words and memories from my dad. I treasure them.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mikey and Shae's "Turtle Life" Tattoos for Dad...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Song Written by Mikey

Digging our toes into the sand
Papa you and me
Walking along shore holding my little hand
Riding on your shoulders
Humming and singing love sweet love
Papa you and me
Making life so easy
What do I do
When you have to go
Where do I go
When you have to leave me here
Mikey, let me tell you about heaven
Dad, isn’t that where the turtles are
So I let Jesus through my door
Now I know what to do
When my daddy has to go
I got to have peace, we got to have peace
I got to have faith, we got to have faith
Love everyone around, everyone
Now your lookin down at me
Such a lucky boy to have had you
I’ll remember everything
Till the day we meet again, in heaven
Papa you and me
Letter from Maisha
You were my biggest cheerleader and the greatest fan of my life. You were always my best advice giver and I can’t tell you how much I’m going to miss that.
There’s so much I wish I could say but words don’t even express the gratitude that I feel for the role you have played in my life. You have been the most excellent example of how to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul…even through suffering. You have so beautifully modeled how to love others, even when sometimes it meant that you would get little in return.
You praised Jesus up until your last breath and I am so thankful that I got to be at your bedside to witness that. In your last hours, through the greatest suffering that you had ever been through, you cried out that you would never forsake Jesus…I will always remember that. My last words to you were that you are the best man that I have ever known. I pray you heard me because it is true. So very true.
God is going to have to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart and fill the huge, gaping hole I now have. But, I know He can do it. I’m putting my trust in God’s provision through Jesus and I know that I will see you again…and this time, we won’t have to ever say goodbye!
One of your favorite verses has always been John 14:2. “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” I’m clinging to that verse for the rest of my days here on earth until I finally make it home.
I can’t wait to wrap my arms around your neck and tell you how much I’ve missed you; I pray that I will make you proud. I pray that I will learn to love the way you loved and that your wonderful attributes and traits will be passed on through me and Mikey.
Bye for now my daddy,
Forever your “pink push up girl”
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Run For Hope - June 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
We Love You Kit ...
Life Lesson from Kit
(written by Karen Johnson)
1.Share the Love Boldly --Kit cared about what mattered to others and every person was a potential friend no matter where they were at in life, he could always find a connecting point; even while he was getting chemo he was making friends.
2. Weep with the Weeping --Kit had an innate empathy that few men have, and he could communicate that compassion through a hug, a word of insight or encouragement...and he would follow-up later to see how you were doing with that. He was able to go to the depths with people, and give them hope in the valley of shadows.
3. Go, Go, Go for the Gusto --whether it was running, biking, singing, preaching, or teaching apologetics, Kit did it with passion and dedication. He was a man of live action. He had many interests and careers. He reinvented himself over and over again. There were few wasted moments in his exuberant life.
4. Fail Out Loud --Kit would openly share with us his failures, missteps and foolish choices. He could laugh at himself, and also model how to back up and change the course of your life when you've taken a wrong turn.
5. Kiss Your Wife and Kids --I always loved hearing him talk about his kids, or should I say "rave" about his kids. He adored them without reservation or shyness, and the feeling is mutual. No adolescent anger here, these kids were well-loved and loved their dad right back. His loyalty and appreciation for Shelly was also inspiring. You never doubted Kit's love or faithfulness to her.
6. Be God's Best PR Person --I never met anyone who was so bold at communicating the Heavenly Father's deep and unconditional love for his children. Not a hell-fire or judgement-preaching pastor, Kit opened the book of love for us. Kit's message, repeated over and over again, was this: "Your Heavenly Father loves you so much, He accepts you, He yearns for you, His arms are open wide to you, open yours to Him."
7. Tie Yourself to the Mast and Ride the Storm --Kit was able to weather the storm of cancer, never wavering in his confidence in God's goodness, because he had spent so much time in the Word. His testimony was even more powerful because, as he lay weak and in pain, he would confidently assert that God loved him, that Heaven was held for him, and that whatever God wanted was good enough for him.
Thank you, Kit, for being such a shining example of an overcoming faith and a successful life. You leave a legacy by the way you lived and I am going to try to follow in your footsteps. We love you and miss you.
So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Scattering of Ashes, Continuing to Celebrate Kit's LIfe ...
Please note that only loose flowers can be released in the ocean.
Verses ...
I would like to post a couple of verses that have inspired me during the celebration of Kit's life. As these are verses that Kit applied in his life as he lived fully for Christ, may these verses also inspire us to keep living a life worth living, to the glory of God...
A verse that would always remind us of Kit:
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful." - 2 Timothy 4:7
A verse to keep us all going:
" But those who trust in the Lord will find their strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Memorial Service (Updated 4-27-09)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
at Hope Chapel
Scattering of Ashes at Keawakapu Beach on Saturday May 2, 8:00AM
This Saturday, May 2nd at Sidewalks Entrance of Keawakapu Beach we will be celebrating Kit’s eternal life by the scattering of his ashes at 8:00 AM. Please note that only loose flowers can be released in the ocean.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Note From Maisha (taken from her post on Facebook)
I wanted you all to know that, after a year struggle with leukemia, my beloved dad passed away friday night at 7:40 pm. He passed away right about the same time that he would normally be getting up to give his message on friday night. He had been in a lot of pain the last few days and he really wanted to go home. On friday he was in excruciating pain in his head and was sick for hours...we think that he had a brain hemorrhage. My mom and I, aunt Becky and uncle Buddy, and the main pastor of our church were all there. I'm thankful that he is with Jesus now and in no pain at all. My dad was such a wonderful dad to me though and my heart is broken.
The memorial service is this thurs at 6pm at Hope Chapel. You might be able to watch it live through facebook on "The Gathering Maui" or possibly on the Hope Chapel Website ( You can also check out
Thanks for all of the love and prayers...we really feel them. and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to read the notes and comments. I'm sorry I can't respond to each and every one...but I am deeply appreciative.
p.s. I'm attaching a photo of my dad "preaching" at Mars Hill in Athens like Paul of the Bible did :) No need for that anymore finished the race just like Paul, and you made it!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Jason's Reflections on Knowing Kit

Hello Everyone,
Like the rest of you, I’ve been reflecting on the privilege of knowing Kit Lauer over the years.
In the mid/ late 1980s, I knew him as Kit the “hammer”…but God transformed him into Kit the “lamb”. I remember in the early years a time when he was kicked out of one of our Hope Chapel Bible Studies for his too overbearing opinions. God use this though to temper him and soon he began to lead his own Wednesday evening small group in his house with his brother Buddy. Those were awesome days of worship and much evangelism through the Lauer Family gifts of hospitality.
Beginning in the early 1990s, my children were in baseball and soccer with the Lauer kids with Shelly/Kit coaching so we and many families spent lots of wonderful years at the Kalama park fields doing lifetogether. It was always fun hearing Kit yelling on the sidelines what Mikey and the other players should be correcting and cheering them on. Kit was such a jock!
In 1993-1994, Buddy and Sons Construction with Kit’s oversight built our house on Ponana Street . It turned out to be a positive experience. I remember Kit’s “can do stay in the budget” spirit. I chuckle when I think of the compassion he had for Rick Horowitz whom he hired to do some of the painting…which Kit had to do over in his own time and dime!
In the mid 1990s, Kit joined our staff as our church Administrator. Here are some things that stand out to me about those early years.
* I will never forget one of his major contributions. He was appalled over our message system of answering the phones and all us of putting little paper messages in our individual mailboxes…so he budgeted getting us all computers and using the inter-staff outlook box feature so that we could have instant communication.
In those days, I wasn’t into computers since I smoked marijuana in my typing course in high school and never was good at typing etc…but one day arrived in my office which at that time Kit and I shared the same room….and there was a computer…right in the middle of my desk….I was shocked and Kit said…Get over it…you are not going to remain a dinosaur and he coached me that year how to use it…and the rest is history.
*Another big thing Kit did was organize a DCAT ( Doing Church as a Team) Saturday seminar at Hope Chapel which offered Christians a spiritual gifts, talent, personality/passion analysis to enable believers to discover the person God wired us to be…so all of us can serve in the right place for the right reasons at the right time. God used Kit to pull off large events that our current staff load was not able to do. My prayer is that this gift based, passion driven serving philosophy of material he developed can be used more frequently in the years to come.
*Of course the Friday Night service which rotated teachers in & out really took off when it was handed over to Kit and Buddy. God used them to bring it to the place it is today.
Moving into the 21st century….I loved the way Kit performed weddings and funerals. He was so sensitive to the parties involved. I will never forget his compassion of singing worship songs over the bedside of Randy Insley as he was nearing going to Heaven. I saw God that day. I always admired his touch, quite literally and spiritually that he had on people.
Speaking of touch….I will miss those massages Kit would give me in the Tues a.m. Senior Staff meetings. Often while he was waxing eloquently at length on some subject I would move over to his knees in front of the couch and sit on the floor and he would massage me while making his point/s.
Of course many of us have and will continue to benefit from Kit’s apologetic course. Kit was an amazing combination of intellect, humor and compassion. My brain cells always would hurt when he would corner me in the hall about his new insight on “infinite regression” or whatever he was saying or something!
In these last few years Kit excelled in team ministry thru mentoring, discipleship and delegation to our young adults. He taught us a lot about transferring the baton of leadership as exemplified in Ben Prangnell, Sam Gyorfi, Jeremy Napier and others whom he had a major role in spiritual & ministry development.
Kit served God´s purpose in his generation…and has helped equip a new generation…he´s been an amazing inspiration and example.
“For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep “Acts 12:36
May we follow in the footsteps of King David and Kit Lauer and serve God in our remaining days as well.
Thoughts From Ray Mains
- The Lord called Dr. Kit home to be with Him last night, His Plan.
- The Lord had many of us at Friday night service (which Kit started) together to praise Dr. Kit for the many things he has been doing to serve the Lord and help many of us in many different way, for some time now, Good Planning.
- Dr. Kit going home to be with the Lord at about the same time (after 7:00pm) he would be up there in front of us teaching us more about our Lord, Good Planning.
- Many of us were there and had the opportunity to hear the news about Kit going home at the same time together, just Good Planning, how fortunate it was that so many of us were and could be together hearing the news and being able to comfort each other. Just darn Good Planning.
- I'm so glad I was there with the others, and could listen to all that was being shared, in how this man, Dr. Kit has effected so many...Good Planning.
- Just about a month ago the Lord told me to get the mission photos (slide film of four trips with Kit, to PI ) together and start scanning that I would need to be able to share them with many, so I did, I had told my wife (Dawn) about this message and only her.
- month ago got them all together
- left for mainland a couple weeks ago
- after return got another message to finish them up.
- Wednesday night (4/22/09) stayed up late getting them ready for scanning.
- Thursday morning (4/23/09) at 05:30am starting scanning, finished about 100 slides about 2:00pm and delivered them to Ben at Hope Chapel.
- Ben asked, "can you talk a little about the slides and some of your time with Kit?", I said no, the Lord said yes, and so I did, Good Planning.
Yes well will miss him...
Capt. Ray
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Today You Shall Be With Me In Paradise"
Let us continue to pray for Shelly, Maisha, Mikey and the whole Lauer family. You may leave a comment here or on the Facebook pages.
Karen wrote a beautiful good bye, honoring Kit, on her blog. Click here to go there.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday Night Service Dedicated to Kit

This Friday night we are dedicating our service to Kit! In the midst of fighting leukemia, Kit has taken every opportunity to share God's word with us. So we are setting aside this Friday night to share with Kit what he means to us and how God has used him to bless our lives. In place of the regular message time slot we are going to be hearing from a members of our church family, sharing in worship and, Lord willing, Kit would like to speak a few words as well. Don't miss this Friday night's expression session in honor of Pastor Kit.