Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Important Stuff...

I want to let you all know a little about the process for a bone marrow transplant. What we know is, first of all, my dad will have his bone marrow tested in one week to see if there are any cancer cells (I mentioned this before). After that, he will possibly have to have another 7 day round of chemo (prayerfully not) and then he will have his bone marrow tested again a couple weeks after that. If there are still no cancer cells, Kaiser Hospital will then run a series of tests (heart test, etc) to see if he is eligible (healthy enough) to go through the bone marrow transplant procedure. If he is (and the doctor thinks he will be) he will receive a packet with info from the hospital on the mainland that he will go to (most likely City of Hope in CA which has a wonderful reputation-I personlly know someone who was there). Then, the screening process begins-and my dad's siblings will be tested first because that have the greatest chance of being a match (even greater than I or my brother do) We found out today that Kaiser only pays a portion of the fees...so we will have to come up with $50,000.
We could really use your prayers and support in the entire process!!! thank you :)
Both of my uncles, Buddy and Billy, are over there with Kit right now and I am soo thankful for that! Uncle Billy has been keeping my dad laughing and his spirits up through this tough time, and Buddy has been playing him worship music :-) I know he loves having them there.
luv, Maisha


Anonymous said...

Dear Kit and Shelly,

We will be praying and helping in every way we can.

We love you guys,

Lynn & Mele

Karen said...

thanks so much Maisha...this is quite a journey, so the title of the blog is right on! Your dad's courage is amazing to watch, and you are all an inspiration in your unity and commitment to each other. If your dad needs $50K, we will find it!
Love you all....

Lisa said...

It is so heartwarming to picture the brothers together, being there for each other. I just love it. Praise Jesus. Thank you for being open about the financial burden. I'm sure that's uncomfortable, but the body of Christ needs to know. Jesus said the world will know we are His followers when they see how much we love each other. (John 13:35) To be there for you, Lauer family, is a tangible way the body of Christ can do just that.

Love, Lisa Bryant

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks Maisha for explaining the process of the bone marrow transplant so we can pray specifically. Thank you for keeping us informed. we will continue to pray.


Eeyore99877 said...

There is still a long road ahead, but your whole family should be proud that you made it through this first chemo round!!! I will continue to pray that you find a match either through your brothers or the national bone marrow registry. I know the money is overwhelming at this point, but it always seems like God has a way to work that out. I'll pray about that, too. I hope you have a restful week while the doctors decide the next step in your healing process.

--Lisa E. :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God that the first week of chemo is over. We will now pray for a favorable result in all the testing and that you remain healthy and strong for the next step. Also for the health of Shelly so she can continue to be at your side.

"For I am the Lord who heals you"
Exodus 15:26

We Love you,
Lita & Debbie